Hello, coffee world
In the 24th year of January 2025, I'm reaching into the void to build closer connections with likeminded people. Let's talk about coffee, trade, and good food - all of which are inherently political.
My interests and expertise may seem niche, but they have global impacts. This was clearly illustrated by the brief standoff between Colombia and the US over the weekend - coffee may only make up 7-8% of Colombia’s exports, but a sudden increase on tariffs would have had an enormous impact on the price of our daily cup of coffee.
I’m following the new US presidency with increasing horror, and watching the reactions spread across the world. Have you heard the prepared statements from the Minister of Human Rights in Brazil? She received deportees in person, indicating that they were welcomed home with open arms, and with choice words about the government that had deported them. Similar (if more cautious) statements came from Colombia’s own Vice President, with the focus being that recent deportees will be received with dignity - something President Petro ensured in the tense conflict against Trump earlier in the week.
Coffee prices are reaching new records on a daily basis. While there are some reports of farmers holding inventory in hopes of higher prices, the reality is that agricultural production is down across Latin America - and not just for coffee.
My interested are varied, and dig deep. I can’t say I’ll only talk about coffee here, but I can promise that I’ll spend time linking the coffee industry to real world events. Considering that this beverage is the start to so many of our days, it’s silly to think that it’s divorced from world events. Your morning cup of coffee may seem private but it’s the result of huge governmental and private actors, and has likely passed through dozens of hands before arriving to your mug.
If you’re interested in beefing up your coffee skills, check out my website and newsletter for upcoming learning opportunities. If there’s anything specific you’d like to hear more about, please let me know!
I’m looking forward to exploring these topics with you, and I’m incredibly grateful to have you all along for the ride.